domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Genetic engeneering

I’m going to talk about genetic engeneering, the scientific discipline which studies the field of the gens and the ways to made them useful for people. In the latest years, different researchers have been investigating different forms to, for example, try to treat many genetic illnesses. It’s an important aspect to consider the exponential growth on the genetic engeneering, getting very hopefull results every day over the world.

In the other side of the hand, this type of biologic engeneering could have inhuman aplications, as the way of modifying gens to create children or animals without obstacles. The great quantity of information that we know now could take us to believe that we are like gods, and it would be a moment in where anybody could create the son or daughter that he would want.

In the field of genetic engeeniring there is an important and thin line, that dividides the genetic in two totally different lands. The land where we could have the hope in a better future and the land that crosses the human inmorality, to create artificial and innatural people. ¿The side of the line that the society would be? An interesting question that we still haven’t known… 

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