martes, 22 de mayo de 2018



For me, doping it's a cruel way of destroying sport and even worse athletes.

DOPING consists on taking drugs to succeed when doing sport. However, you can also "dope" if you use specific equipment that helps you to win.

Image result for doping

Firstly, you must know that this type of cheating is totally prohibited and of course is punished.  In case of suspicion they can ask the athlete to take a drug test to prove if he had taken drugs or not.

From my point of view doping should be punished by the expulsion of the athlete as I consider it to be totally unethical. If  you detect someone once had taken drugs they might have taken them more times to win. Furthermore, the effort of the athletes should be valorated fairly and not because someone had an extra help.

I wish everyone was taking care of doing sport as fair as possible and even if you know someone that is taking drugs to succeed, I would like you to stop them. I mean what's the point of winning unfairly? You don't get such as gratifying feeling as if you did it right.

Image result for doping

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