miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018


 Nowadays, fast fashion rules the clothes' world and practically every person follows its laws. The evidence is all around us. Go and look in your wardrobe. Can you ensure me there are not brands like Zara, H y M and similars?

However, fast fashion, wether it is on a large or small scale, promotes consumerism. Your opinion can differ, but it is a reality that part of your likes will always depend on what available is in the stores. As a result, I am sure that you have some unused clothes.

Furthermore, the enviromental impact still exists. Such a short and fast cycle can not live without hurting the planet. If that tireless power does not stop, this madness of race is going to destroy our enviroment completely.

I personally believe that this controversial issue is something to talk long and hard. People is used to speak without any information and such an important topic should be discussed with more calm. If we were more conscious of ourselves and our planet, things would be different.

To conclude, I would like to highlight two indisputable issues. Despite the good idea of better clothes with lower prices, fast fashion has to find an ecological and less pollutant way to reach its objectives. And, of course, we have to learn how to look at fashion without being such selfish and consumerist people.

Martín Cordero Doce 1º BACH B TIC

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