domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018


Next, I will talk about Japan and its culture, since I find it interesting and a country 

that deserves to be visited.


Through a long culinary past, the Japanese have developed sophisticated and refined cuisine. 
In more recent years, Japanese food has become fashionable and popular in the United States,
Europe, and many other areas. Dishes such as sushi, tempura, noodles, and teriyaki are some
of the foods that are commonly known. The Japanese diet consists principally of rice; fresh fish, 
lean seafood; and pickled or boiled vegetables. The healthy Japanese diet is often believed to be 
related to the longevity of Japanese people.

Tempura:usually consisting of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried.

In the long feudal period governed by the samurai class, some methods that were used to 
train warriors were developed into well-ordered martial arts. Examples include, kendo,, jujutsu, 
and sumo, all of which were established in the Edo period


Of all of Japan's martial arts, Judo is perhaps the one that has spread most successfully 
around the world. The essence lies in the speed, subtlety and skill of using the size and strength 
of the opponent against themselves.

An oriental system of unarmed combat using the hands and feet to deliver and block blows, usually practised as a sport.


The furious, noisy sport of kendo is perhaps Japan's oldest martial art and blends power, 
skill and bravery.      "swords" are today crafted from four substantial bamboo slats


Once almost completely unknown to the world outside Japan, manga (Japanese comics) and 
 anime (Japanese animation) have become a global phenomenon - and their popularity is growing
 every day  as well as Japanese video games, fashion, and game shows


Buddhism and Shintoism are the primary religions of Japan.

Shintoism is Japan's indigenous spirituality. It is believed that every living thing in nature 
(e.g. trees, rocks, flowers, animals - even sounds) contains kami, or gods.

Buddhism came to Japan by way of China, Tibet, Vietnam, and ultimately Korea. Buddhism 
arrived in the sixth century, establishing in Nara. Over time Buddhism divided into several sects, 
the most popular being Zen Buddhism

Japanese architecture has as long of a history as any other aspect of Japanese culture. Originally heavily influenced by Chinese architecture, it has developed many differences and aspects which are indigenous to Japan. Some of these buildings are constructed with traditional gardens, which are influenced from Zen ideas

Examples of traditional architecture are seen at temples, Shinto shrines, and castles in Kyoto and Nara.
Resultado de imagen de templos kiotoResultado de imagen de templos kioto

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